Mango Salad with Peanut Butter Dressing

Mango Salad with Peanut Butter Dressing

Plant-based, no animal ingredients. Cubed mango meat with full tropical sweetness and slightly sour fragrance, in with tomato, broccoli, black beans, and edamame beans, drizzled generously with smooth peanut butter dressing that carries garlicky aroma and light acidity from the lemon juice, please enjoy while fresh~





Mango Salad with Peanut Butter Dressing

Yields ~1 to 2 serving

Peanut Butter Dressing

  • 1 small clove of garlic

  • ~2 pinches of dried chilli flakes (feel free to add more if like extra heat)

  • 2 tsp of lemon juice

  • 2 tsp of brown sugar

  • 1 tsp of soy sauce paste

  • 50g of peanut butter (vegan, smooth or crunchy)

  • 45ml of water

Mango Salad

  • 1 mango (~260g mango meat needed)

  • ~115g of canned black beans (rinsed)

  • ~105g of tomatoes

  • ~100g of broccoli

  • ~70g of raw edamame beans (can use cooked ones)

  • ~55g of red onions

  • 1 small green onion

  • 1 tsp of sea salt


  1. If working with a whole mango, peel & cut the mango into large cubes, cut the tomato into small pieces, dice the red onion, chop the green onion, and cut the broccoli into small size.

  2. In a small pot, half-fill with water, turn on heat, bring to a boil, put in 1 tsp of sea salt, broccoli pieces, raw edamame beans (if using cooked ones, skip this process). When the water is boiling again, take out the vegetables and set aside for later use.

  3. In a small mixing container, press a small clove of garlic, put in chilli flakes, lemon juice, brown sugar, soy sauce paste, mix well.

  4. In another mixing container, put in peanut butter, and 1/3 of 45ml water, carefully mix until the water and the peanut butter are well incorporated, then combine with the mixture from step 3 and mix well, put in the rest of the water, mix until well incorporated and smooth.

  5. On your favorite plate or in your favorite salad bowl, place ~260g mango cubes, ~115g of canned black beans, ~105g of tomato pieces, ~100g of cooked broccoli pieces, and ~70g of cook edamame beans.

  6. Sprinkle red onion dices on the salad, drizzle the just-made peanut butter dressing generously, finally, sprinkle some chopped green onions on top, enjoy when fresh~

Mango Salad with Peanut Butter Dressing 芒果沙拉佐花生醬汁 by The Veggicians

芒果沙拉 佐花生醬汁

可做出 約一至二人份


  • 一小瓣 大蒜

  • 約兩撮 乾辣椒片 (如果喜歡辣可多加)

  • 兩小匙 檸檬汁

  • 兩小匙 紅糖

  • 一小匙 醬油膏

  • 五十克 花生醬 (無動物性成份,滑順或顆粒)

  • 四十五毫升 開水


  • 一顆 芒果 (需約兩百六十克果肉)

  • 約一百一十五克 罐頭黑豆 (沖洗過)

  • 約一百零五克 番茄

  • 約一百克 花椰菜

  • 約七十克 生毛豆仁 (可用熟毛豆仁)

  • 約五十五克 紅洋蔥

  • 一小枝 青蔥

  • 一小匙 海鹽


  1. 如果使用整顆未處理的芒果,先將其去皮後,切成大方塊狀。將番茄切成小塊狀,將紅洋蔥切丁,將青蔥切成蔥花, 並將花椰菜切成小朵。

  2. 在一小湯鍋中,倒入水半滿,開火,等水滾時放入一小匙海鹽、切成小朵的花椰菜、和生毛豆仁 (如使用熟毛豆仁可省略)。當水再次滾時,將花椰菜和毛豆仁取出靜置待用。

  3. 在一小型混合容器中,壓榨一小瓣大蒜成泥,放入乾辣椒片、檸檬汁、紅糖、醬油膏,混合均勻。

  4. 在另一混合容器中,放入花生醬和三分之一分的四十五毫升開水,小心並慢慢的攪拌至水和花生醬均勻混合在一起,然後與步驟三中的醬汁結合並攪拌至均勻混合,倒入剩下的開水,攪拌至均勻混合且滑順。

  5. 在你喜愛的盤子或沙拉碗中,放入約兩百六十克芒果肉方塊、約一百一十五克罐頭黑豆、約一百零五克番茄塊、約一百克煮熟的小朵花椰菜、和約七十克的熟毛豆仁。

  6. 在沙拉上灑上紅洋蔥丁,豪邁的淋上剛調好的滑順花生醬汁,最後,撒上些許蔥花,請趁新鮮享用~